Step by Step

Are you studying here or pursuing an education and are looking for a room in Basel and the surroundings?
Then go to the following questions and find out if you are eligible to enrol with us and how to proceed.

1. Are you eligible to apply for accommodation with WoVe?

All persons who are studying full-time in public educational institutions in the region of northwest Switzerland are eligible to apply for accommodation with WoVe. This also applies to postdocs with a federal grant. Interns who are participating in an education are also basically eligible to apply to WoVe for accommodation for a predefined, limited period of time. It should however be noted that those persons having a monthly income of CHF 2.500.- or a gross yearly income (including grants and contributions from third parties) of CHF 30.000.- will be required by us to make a solidarity contribution of CHF 50.- per month. We also reserve the right to refuse registrations without giving reasons.

Here you will find our rental conditions that you must fulfil.

2. Should your new accommodation be furnished or unfurnished?

You can rent a furnished room from us starting from a minimum period of three months. After paying your registration fee, you will receive the list of the available offers and can then select your chosen room in your preferred property. Subsequently, we will draw up your rental contract. The room, as well as the communal areas and the kitchen are furnished and ready for moving in, so that you only need to bring your personal belongings with you. The communal areas will be cleaned regularly.

For a rental period of at least one year, we would recommend an unfurnished room in shared accommodation. After receiving your registration fee, we will send you the list of vacant rooms. You should then contact personally the members of the shared accommodation which you have chosen. They will then decide whether they would like you or not as a flatmate. You will furnish your room yourself and come to an agreement with your flatmates on how to furnish the communal areas. A plan for rules and regulations as well as a cleaning rota will be organised communally.


3. How to register with us.

Below you will find all the important forms for your registration. You can fill them in on Adobe Reader, print them out and store them on your own computer. You can then send them to us by email or you can bring them to us personally during our opening times. personally during our opening hours.

Download Application form furnished
Download Application form unfurnished

Life in a shared accommodation

If you decide to move into a shared accommodation, the following principles are important to note:

Life in a shared accommodation requires a large degree of tolerance and consideration. The lifestyles, behaviour and cooking habits of your flatmates can differ greatly. This presents a challenge for communal living and requires open communication. At the same time, it offers the opportunity of meeting new people and learning about different cultures.

In the furnished flats you must clean your own room. The communally used areas should always be left in good condition to ensure a pleasant atmosphere for all concerned.

In the unfurnished flats you are obliged to clean your own room. In addition, the cleaning of the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and communally used areas is the responsibility of all the occupants. This requires a good self-organisation of the members of the shared apartment. Each individual must share the communal duties such as housework and waste disposal. A spring-cleaning session (Semesterputz) is to take place twice a year, after which the communal areas of the shared accommodation will be checked by WoVe.

Problems concerning cleanliness and communal living should basically be solved by the members of the shared accommodation themselves.

In the unfurnished flats, the occupants can decide among themselves who should be allowed to join them. They are also responsible for finding a new tenant if they leave and for arranging viewing of the rooms themselves. We cannot accept unoccupied rooms.